
Standing Conference on Dance in Higher Education


The name of the organisation is the Standing Conference on Dance in Higher

Education, to be known as DanceHE (formerly SCODHE).


The Conference is the representative body for higher education departments teaching and researching Dance in the United Kingdom. Working in partnership with the membership and related organisations, the conference aims are:

2.1 To represent and advocate for the interests of the dance as a subject in higher education in the UK.

2.2 To provide a forum for professional and scholarly debate

2.3 To promote and disseminate excellence in dance teaching, learning and research.

2.4 To collect, exchange and disseminate information

2.5 To liaise and collaborate across the sector with other professional, scholarly and governmental organisations on matters relevant to the study and teaching of dance in higher education.


Institutions / organisations as outlined below are eligible for full voting membership:

a) funded directly through HEFCE and/or

b) teaching in the subject domain at least to degree level or equivalent (whether in departments, subject groups, etc.).

c)  other organisations with a vested interest in supporting the development of dance as a subject within HEI’s.

Membership is renewed annually by subscription (see below).

1) INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP; full membership for department colleagues from one institution, with full membership access rights and voting rights to the organisation.

2) INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIP; this is ideal for individuals where there is a single member or two members of staff in the department or for an associate lecturer who may work across different institutions. This membership has full membership access rights and voting rights to the organisation. Institution e-mail as proof of identity is required.

3) ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP; This is ideal for research assistants, PhD students and other associates connected to HE institutions who wish to become more informed with regard to the nature of the organisation, its work and some of its resources. This membership has restricted membership access rights and no voting rights to the organisation. Institution e-mail as proof of identity is required.

4) HONORARY MEMBERSHIP – Related bodies and institutions, which fall outside the specified criteria for full membership may be granted Honorary Membership if it is deemed to be of mutual advantage. Honorary members will have the right to participate in the sharing of information and to attend and contribute to meetings, but will not be accorded voting rights and will pay no subscription.


There will be a flat-rate fee per full-member institution at a rate determined by the Board. Rates may vary across HEI and non-HEI members and exceptionally small organisations may make a request to the Executive for a reduce rate/fee waver (but not for consecutive years). The subscription year will normally coincide with the academic year and the subscription will fall on or before 1 May each year.

Changes in levels of subscription rates will be determined annually at the AGM and/or via electronic vote.

Full-member institutions that do not pay the subscription shall have their membership suspended.


Full-member institutions must nominate a voting representative, and should notify the Chair of their designated voter for any business meeting. Meetings will be deemed quorate provided at least one third of the total voting membership is present, except under the particular conditions set out below under 6 and 10.

In the event of a meeting being inquorate, the Executive will post recommendations via the web/elist from the meeting as soon as possible afterwards for consideration by the membership. An electronic vote will allow such recommendations to be agreed as decisions by a simple majority of the total voting membership.


There will be an Executive made up of at least four officers who shall between them cover the following roles:

  1. Chair
  2. Vice-Chair
  3. Recording Secretary
  4. Finance  (inc. membership)
  5. Partnership Liaison(s)
  6. Web Communications Manager
  7. Student Representation
  8. Projects Representation

The responsibilities of the Executive, will include:

6.1  The arrangement of ordinary/general meetings and the setting of agenda.

6.2  The execution of business in line with the organisations aims or as referred to it by membership (including the provision to appoint individual members or sub-groups of members to carry forward specific items of  business as deemed appropriate),

6.3  The calling of emergency meetings

6.4  Responsibility for ongoing business and

6.5  Speaking for the subject domain in matters of national and international debate.

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