Publication of Vol 1, Iss. 2 of PARtake: The Journal of Performance as Research

Publication of Vol 1, Iss. 2 of PARtake: The Journal of Performance as Research.  This special themed issue titled “Participation in/and Research: Ethics, Methodologies, Expectations” contains articles, reviews and a special curated section of scholartist provocations. You may access the journal at both  and   Articles and authors include: Forum on the Art of Participation: A Curated…

International Symposium on Practice-as-Research (ISPaR): “Controversies, Challenges, Conceptualisations: East-West Perspectives”

International Symposium on Practice-as-Research (ISPaR) “Controversies, Challenges, Conceptualisations: East-West Perspectives” The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts is delighted to announce that its inaugural International Symposium on Practice-as-Research (ISPaR): “Controversies, Challenges, Conceptualisations: East-West Perspectives” will be held from 4-6 December, 2017 (Monday to Wednesday). The symposium aims to bring together arts practitioners, thinkers, researchers and leaders in the field to explore…

Journal Special Issue and Conference

Colleagues, this journal special issue is now available. It covers representations of space and movement through technologies of vision. Submissions for follow on issues via the conference below. This and previous events included dance and street performance / media. Journal Special issue – Open Access: Visioning Technologies – the Architectures of Sight. Conference  – …

Publication: Choreographies by Jacky Lansley

Intellect is delighted to announce the latest addition to their Performing Arts catalogue, Choreographies by Jacky Lansley. Title Information By Jacky Lansley £28.50, $33 ISBN 9781783207664 Paperback 256 pages Choreographer Jacky Lansley has been practising and performing for more than four decades. In Choreographies, she offers unique insight into the processes behind independent choreography and paints a…

Autobiography: Valerie Preston-Dunlop

The Noverre Press, an imprint of Dance Books, has published the autobiography of Valerie Preston-Dunlop. Full details at: