We warmly invite you to the Interim Event of the Performer Training Working Group at TaPRA, titled ‘The Voice of Training’. The programme for the day is included below.
We would be very grateful if you could confirm your intention to attend by Wednesday 30th April 2014 by emailing the working group convenors: Libby Worth >, Konstantinos Thomaidis >
Please note that this event is open to TaPRA members only. Whilst the working group is happy to encourage attendance by individuals who are not part of TaPRA, it will be necessary to levy a small membership fee at the event. This non-member fee is £10 and will buy you TaPRA membership until the end of August.
Lunch, coffee and refreshments will be provided on the day.
The event will take place in Room 1.10, Eldon Building, West Wing, Churchill Avenue, Portsmouth, PO1 2DJ. Travel information can be accessed here: . Closest rail station is Portsmouth & Southsea (7-minute walk to Eldon).
Further information about the Performer Training Group can be found on the TaPRA website at:
We look forward to welcoming you to what promises to be a very productive day.
Konstantinos, Libby and Mark
Performer Training Working Group
TaPRA Interim Event – The Voice of Training
Event: 7th May 2014 – 11.00 – 5pm
At: University of Portsmouth
11.00 – 11.30: Registration
11.30 – 11.40: Welcome by WG Convenors
11.40 – 12.30: Panel 1
Chris Palmer (Guildford School of Acting), ‘Voi-sing: How to best train the musical theatre performer?’
Laura Vorwerg (Royal Holloway, University of London), ‘Testing boundaries: (inter)disciplinarity and the voice’
12.30 – 13.15: Workshop 1
Matt Smith (University of Portsmouth), ‘Speaking the Unspeakable’
13.15 – 14.00: Lunch
14.00 – 14.40: Panel 2
David Wiles (University of Exeter), ‘Quintilian as the father of actor training? A Provocation’
Pamela Karantonis and Mark Langley (Bath Spa University), ‘Dialect, dialectics and vocal poetics: envoicing the other and transforming the self in/as actor training’
14.40 – 15.20: Workshop 2
Daron Oram (Royal Central School of Speech and Drama), ‘Being here now: voice and presence in performance’
15.20 – 16.10: Panel 3
Bernadette O’Brien (Rose Bruford), ‘The critical voice’
Christina Kapadocha (Royal Central School of Speech and Drama), ‘Towards intersubjective dynamics in psychophysical actor training: logos and the use of metaphor’
16.10 – 16.40: Plenary discussion