Choreographic Practice – Dis/abilities

We are  excited to announce that Dis/abilities a special issue of Choreographic Practices (6.1, 2015) is now out.

This is our first guest edited issue and has been wonderfully curated by Ann Cooper Albright and Gabriele Brandstetter. They write that:

‘By exploring issues of creative process and aesthetic license, by highlighting the interconnectedness of national identity, race, class, gender and sexuality within approaches to disability, by underscoring the ways in which laws regulate artistic subjectivity, as well as by engaging with important questions of virtuosity, visibility and opportunity, the following essays radically expand the potential for rethinking dance through disability.’

To purchase copies got to: 


Call for submissions and special issue proposals:

Choreographic Practices provides a space for disseminating choreographic practices, critical inquiry and debate. Serving the needs of students, teachers, academics and practitioners in dance (and the related fields of theatre, live art, video/media, and performance), the journal operates from the principle that dance embodies ideas and can be productively enlivened when considered as a mode of critical and creative discourse. Placing an emphasis on processes and practices over products, this journal seeks to engender dynamic relationships between theory and practice, choreographer and scholar, such that these distinctions may be shifted and traversed.

Individual contributions are invited that articulate and explore choreographic practices from a diverse range of perspectives. We are especially interested in receiving critical/creative practice-led research that is interdisciplinary and experimental in nature.

If you would like to submit an article to Choreographic Practices please see: 

We also invite proposals for future special issue topics from guest editors that fall within the aims and scope of Choreographic Practices. Please contact Vida L Midgelow and Jane Bacon (Editors) at: