Walk of Life Non-stylised and Environmental Movement Workshops  with  Helen Poynor in 2016 

Movement Ritual Explorations  February 20th – 22nd

An in-depth introduction to Anna Halprin’s Movement Ritual.
Grounded in an holistic approach to the body this fluid sequence of
floor movements deepens kinaesthetic awareness, encouraging flexibility
in the spine and enlivening the whole body. It can be used as a daily
practice, a warm up or workout, a physical meditation and a springboard
into creative movement.

Price: £95 two days, £135 three days (£80/
£110 concession)   Location: Branscombe, East Devon.

Awakening   March 12th – 13th including Sumarah meditation

cleaning for body and soul, heart and lungs, blood and breath. Arriving
in yourself, laying the foundation for the rest of the year.  Each day
includes indoor and outdoor movement sessions with Helen and Sumarah
meditation with Beate Stühm, experiencing how Sumarah relates to and
supports this approach to movement practice.   Price: £100 (£85
concession)  Location: Charmouth, near Lyme Regis.

Wild Women, Rocks
and Water  April 8th – 10th

Moving with the wild spring tides as
they reveal the hidden landscapes beneath the chalk cliffs at Beer
Head. Feeling the movement of the tides and the energy of spring
coursing through your veins.  Discovering courage and strength, trust
and surrender.    Price £140 (£110 conc)   Location: Branscombe, East

Summer Seas and Skies  June 4 th – 5 th

Finding our place in
the vast coastal landscape, between cliff and sea, earth and sky,
microcosm and macrocosm.  In the spaces between rock and bone, in the
movement of water and breath, a world of possibilities is revealed.
Price: £95 (£80 concession)    Location: Charmouth, near Lyme Regis.

Walk of Life Summer School  July 5th – 8th

An opportunity to immerse
yourself in four days of movement practice. Encountering earth, rock,
sea and sky through flesh, bone, blood and breath.  Responding to
change and stability with movement and stillness, flexibility and
strength.   Opening to the unexpected.  A chance to deepen and renew
your practice.

Price: £175 (£145 concession)  Location: Beer, East

The Art of Being in Motion including Feldenkrais with Shelagh O’
Sept 30th- Oct  2nd   Fri 2.30pm to Sun 5.30pm

A dynamic
collaboration interweaving Feldenkrais Awareness through Movement
lessons with non-stylised movement explorations. The subtle
kinaesthetic investigations of the Feldenkrais Method® enrich creative
expression revealing new possibilities for an embodied encounter with
rock and water, earth and tree.

Price: £135 (£105 concession)
Location: Charmouth near Lyme Regis.

Autumn Reflections   October 29th – 30th

The beauty of the autumn trees supports us to shed what we
no longer need, moving with change, loosening habits and
preconceptions. Opening our hearts as we surrender to the earth and the
wisdom of the ancient trees we re-discover our gound, our place between
earth and sky.

Price: £95 (£80 concession).  Location: Charmouth,
near Lyme Regis.

   Tel: 01297 680155