Deadlines: ASTR Dance/Movement Publication Awards

Deadlines are fast approaching for the Sally Banes Publication Prize (April 1) () and they will be coming up for the Selma Jeanne Cohen Conference Presentation Award (). 
Please go to the ASTR awards link () and click on the links for these two awards for detailed information on guidelines and how to submit. 
There are forms you must submit online. You will be directed to how to submit and send books and articles (e-format is fine) to the Award Committee Team members, Lezlie Cross(Chair), Katherine Mezur, and Susan Tenneriello (contacts online). 
Please find below the two award announcements with details and links to the online form. I would like to encourage everyone to submit your own and others’ dance/movement books and articles (published in the time frame in the requirements section), which have inspired you during this last year or two-year-cycle. Please read over the site information carefully and let us know if you have any questions.